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Takatu Formation is well exposed in the western Sulaiman Fold- Thrust Belt, Pakistan. It has an unconformable upper contact with Sembar Formation which is marked by oxidized surface and lower contact with Triassic Wulgai Formation. The Takatu Formation contains a wide variety of limestones, which are fine to coarse grained, palatal, lumpy, skeletal, micritic, nodular, oolitic, and intraclastic. The Takatu Formation is mainly carbonate-litho package with minor siliciclastic content interbedded as shale and marls. The petrography of limestone allowed the differentiation and demonstrated of four major and sub microfacies types. These includes, Mudstone, Wackestone, Packstone and Grainstone microfacies, which are further sub-divided into five microfacies such as, Bioclastic wackstone, Calcispheric packstone, Peloidal packstone, Ooidal grainstone, and Lithoclastic grainstone. These microfacies were compared with standard microfacies and standard zones for their possible depositional environments. On the bases of our studies, it is interpreted that Takatu Formation was deposited in diverse environment ranging from the marginal shallow shelf, upper slope and in deeper parts of the shelf.
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