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Dengue is the most vital arboviral disease in humans, which is occurring in tropical and subtropical areas around the world. Dengue fever is itemized as an urban human disease as it spreads easily to urban environmental/ morphological contexts because of the uneven increase of urban population and infectious diseases as a result of climate change. Dengue epidemic cases related to climatic parameters are helpful to monitor and prevent the transmission of dengue fever. Many studies have focused on describing the clinical aspects of dengue outbreak. We bring out the epidemiological study to investigate the dengue fever development and prediction in the Karachi city. This study described the oncological treatment by statistical analysis and fractal rescaled range (R/S) method of the dengue epidemics from January 2001 to December 2020, based on the urban morphological patterns, and climatic variables including temperature and ENSO respectively. The R/S method in oncologists has been carried in two ways, basic oncological/statistical analysis and Fractal dimension adapt to the study the nature of the subtleties of dengue epidemic data, another showing the dynamics of oncological process. Climate parameters are shown that the fractal dimension value revealed a persistency behavior i.e. time series is an increasing, Fractal analysis also confirmed the anti-persistent behavior of dengue for months of September to November and the normality tests specified the robust indication of the intricacy of data. This study will be useful for future researchers working on epidemiology and urban environmental oncological fields to improve and rectify the urban infectious diseases.
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