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Muhammad Yaseen
Shahid Ali Shah
Junaid Khan
Adnan Samiullah
Adil Jan
Muhammad Sheeraz Khan
Saad Sair


The present research work is primarily focusing on fracture analysis of exposed Eocene limestone to estimate the reservoir potential by Monte Carlo Techniques. The methodology implemented is the scanline method which were used for fracture data collections during field work. Three stations were selected for fracture data which consists of 30 scanlines for comprehensive petrophysical properties i.e., fracture density, porosity, and permeability. The computer software was used for interpretation of fracture orientation data. The interpretation demonstrates two prevailing fracture sets existing in the study area which have average NE and NW strike. However, the correlation between their properties is documented based on charts. The consequence specifies that the correlation between density and porosity is variable although the density and permeability is linear. The qualitative classification was based on NFR system analyzed for the reservoir potential which shows very defective correlation whereas fractures provide flexible assistance and does not offer significant additional porosity and permeability. Thus, it occurs from type 4 to type 3 NFR system of classification.

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How to Cite
Yaseen, M., Ali Shah, S., Khan, J., Samiullah, A., Jan, A., Sheeraz Khan, M., & Sair, S. (2021). FRACTURE ANALYSIS AND RESERVOIR POTENTIAL OF EXPOSED EOCENE SUCCESSIONS ALONG KOHAT-ORAKZAI TRANSACT KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA, NW PAKISTAN: Array. Journal of Mountain Area Research, 6, 77–90.
Earth Sciences


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