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Danish Hassan
Usama Raza
Zaubaria Malick
Abu Bakar
Hamza Khan
Muhammad Danish Khan
Kashif Javed


The entire world has started to vaccinate their respective countries' citizens to get rid of COVID-19 from their country. Likewise other countries, Pakistan has also started the vaccination process for its citizens and unlike the rest of the world, there have been different types of vaccines in Pakistan with different manufacturers and with different immunity booster levels. Through statistical analysis of vaccination in this research paper, we have tried to understand the diverse level of vaccines in Karachi and tried to get an understanding of the vaccination process happening in Karachi. For this kind of research, we have maintained the questionnaire and spread it through emails, WhatsApp, and Facebook.  The questionnaire was sent to about 500 people from July to August 2021. The results obtained depict the satisfaction of the vaccination process with normal side effects. Unlike other countries, Pakistan is among the countries where the mass vaccination process has always been very difficult to conduct. Further using the data of seven stations for prediction purposes Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) models were constructed. A better future trend analysis of COVID-19 can be observed using these constructed models. The data for the time series modeling from, 1st January 2021 to 25 August 2021, was taken from National Command and Control (NCOC) Pakistan.

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How to Cite
Hassan, D., Raza, U., Malick, Z., Bakar, A., Khan, H., Khan, M. D., & Javed, K. (2022). STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF COVID-19 VACCINATIONS: KARACHI AS A CASE STUDY: Array. Journal of Mountain Area Research, 7, 63–69.
Mathematical Sciences


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