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The hydrology and climate of mid to high-latitude mountainous areas are significantly impacted by snow cover. Since adding or removing snow cover significantly impacts the snowpack’s capacity to operate as a reservoir for water storage, the snowfall-dominated basins of mid- to higher latitudes are anticipated to see the largest shifts in the hydrological cycle because of global warming. By moving the time slider in the historical imagery feature of Google Earth Pro, the Upper Indus Basin study area was examined from the years 1984 to 2020 to track changes in the snow cover. All observations were made with longitude and latitude at 35o, 34', 51.79" N and 74o, 34', 24.21" E, and the eye altitude at 344.46 miles. Google Earth captured pictures of all the observations on December 31st of every year. The data from 1984 to 2020 was examined keenly, and it was observed that as time goes on, global warming is showing its effects and producing climate changes, which has a negative impact on the region's snow and glacier availability. The Landsat images make it abundantly evident that the lower areas of the upper Indus Basin's snow cover are more negatively impacted than the downstream side areas due to the variation in altitude. The authors also referred to the research work by other researchers in the study to compare with their work. The study observed that some areas were utterly showing no snow in 2020 as compared to 1984 as time moved on with an increase in global warming in 36 years.
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