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K. Asghar
A. Hussain
Z. Malik
A. Asghar
A. Bibi


The present report is an outcome of research work conducted in Dingi village, District Haripur in 2012. The research aimed to assess and analyze the effects of industrial effluents on the soil fertility of the village, investigate contributing factors responsible for soil pollution and underlying causes creating the problems. Data analysis revealed that area had problems pertaining to water and soil quality. The key factors affecting soil fertility were the careless discharge of the untreated industrial effluents from Hattar Industrial Estate (HIE) into the natural stream passing through village. The results were compared with the soil standards set by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and European Committee Commission (ECC) and all of these were exceeding the permissible limits and affecting the soil fertility. The soils were found not fit for agriculture. The investigation highlighted the need to take some effective steps to manage the monitoring program set for checking of industries by the government according to set rules and regulation.

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How to Cite
Asghar, K., Hussain, A., Malik, Z., Asghar, A., & Bibi, A. (2016). EVALUATING THE EFFECT OF INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENTS ON CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF SOIL IN VILLAGE DINGI, DISTRICT HARIPUR. Journal of Mountain Area Research, 1, 13–20. https://doi.org/10.53874/jmar.v1i0.8


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