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Azghar Iqbal


In this study, AutoCAD based 3D Modelling of production scheduling, visualization of mining, and geological features in Khewra Salt Mines are showing. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), photogrammetry and GIS Softwares are used to generate 3D surface modelling of Khewra Salt Mining Area. Khewra Salt Mines is the oldest and largest mine of sub-continent in the Salt Range with huge salt reserves from industrial quality to piece grade. Being a state-of-the-art mine consisting of 17 levels, 70 chambers with hundreds of tunnels, a layman pattern of development and manual mining procedure is followed with handy-made planes and maps. Hundreds of levels and cross-section maps were unified to a single 3D Model, presenting all mining features like tunnels, chambers, levels, inclines, and geological deposition of different salt seams with their thickness and qualities, overburden, and surface feature. The quantity of salt excavated since the beginning of mining is calculated for corroboration, and the remaining amounts of different qualities of salt are determined from the model. 3D topographic Modelling can also be used for area, volume calculations, and planning of remedial actions for rainwater inundations inside the mine.

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How to Cite
Iqbal, A. (2021). 3D MODELING AND PRODUCTION SCHEDULING OF KHEWRA SALT MINES: Array. Journal of Mountain Area Research, 6, 12–24. https://doi.org/10.53874/jmar.v6i0.85
Earth Sciences


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