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M. M. Akhtar
M. M. Jahangir
M. Zeeshan
M. Abdullah


Pleurotusostreatus mushroom was cultivated on cotton gin waste amended with wheat bran in order to judge its growth potential. Two substrates (cotton gin waste and wheat bran) were employed alone and with different combinations. Experiment consisted of four treatments T0 (100 % cotton gin waste), T1(97% cotton gin waste + 3% wheat bran), T2(94% cotton gin waste + 6% wheat bran) and T3(91% cotton gin waste + 9% wheat bran). Data about time needed for commencement of spawn run, time needed for completion of mycelial growth, time needed for initiation of pinheads, time needed for harvesting of 1st, 2nd and 3rd flush, fresh weight of 1st, 2nd and 3rd flush harvested, total yield, pH of mushroom, total soluble solids of mushroom, acidity and ascorbic acid contents, reducing sugars, non-reducing sugars and total sugars of mushroom, total nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium contents of mushroom was recorded. T0 (100 % cotton gin waste) performed better as compared to other treatments.

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How to Cite
Akhtar, M. M., Jahangir, M. M., Zeeshan, M., & Abdullah, M. (2016). EVALUATION OF GIN WASTE AS A GROWING SUBSTRATE, ENRICHED WITH DIFFERENT VOLUME PERCENTAGE OF THE WHEAT BRAN FOR CULTIVATION OF OYSTER MUSHROOM (PLEUROTUS OSTREATUS). Journal of Mountain Area Research, 1, 21–27. https://doi.org/10.53874/jmar.v1i0.9


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