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Late Cretaceous sandstone succession of the Pab Formation in western Sulaiman Fold Thrust belt Pakistan was investigated for petrology and bulk rock chemistry to determine its source terrain, paleo-weathering and tectonic setting. The formation is mainly comprised of sandstone with reddish to maroon color shale and arenaceous limestone. Texturally, the sandstone is fine to coarse grained, sub-angular to well-rounded and moderately to well sorted. The sandstone is petrologically and geochemically classified as quartz arenite to sub lithic arenite. The detritus was mainly derived from plutonic acidic source. QtFL and QmFLt suggests that recycled orogeny and Craton Interior setting were major sources of sediments. Geochemical models support that the detritus was derived from quartzose sedimentary source terrain, suggest deposition in a passive continental margin setting. Average values of chemical indices are CIA 59% CIW 67% and CIV 12.70%, which suggest moderate to high degree of chemical weathering in source area, that may reflect humid climate condition in the source area. The petrographic study and geochemical models demonstrate that the Pab Formation is mostly composed of mature sandstone from acidic plutonic and low-grade metamorphic rocks terrain in recycled and Craton Interior setting deposited on western passive margin of Indian plate in Tethys Ocean.
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